While browsing the website,i have found the article about saving the environment by good eating habit. Honestly, this issue never pop out in my mind, maybe because it was really too simple to my mind, so that i never realised about the consequences of our eating habits to our environment.But when we look it deeply, yes, we can save our environment by practice good eating habits. Make a good decisions about what we eat has both positive effect on the environment and also our health.Lets check this out!
1. Buying locally grown produce
Saving the environment by watching what you eat? Yes. Many people do not realize what an impact their food choices have on the environment. Something as simple as buying locally grown produce can reduce truck emissions, put more money into the locally economy, and have a positive health impact for those that consume the produce.
2. Purchasing meat that is hormone free
This is another effective way of saving the environment. Cattle and pigs that are injected with hormones pollute the water supply which can lead to health problems. A recent study revealed that children are reaching puberty at a much younger age and it can be directly attributed to the increase in hormones from the food they consume.
3. Buying fruits and vegetables that were grown without the use of pesticides or growth chemicals
It is also a good step towards saving the environment. While it is true that farmers may have a reduction in their crops when they do not use pesticides, the damage these chemicals cause is reason enough to accept this minor reduction. Anyone that is older than 20 years old can remember DDT and the problems this pesticide caused the environment and the people that consumed the foods sprayed with the chemical.
4. Select grocery stores that purchase locally as well as ones that practice power saving techniques
A new trend in stores has been lights that only come on in the frozen isle when a motion detector detects someone walking past. These simple measures can mean a lot to the consumer as well as the area the grocery store is in. Stores that take the initiative to be environmentally conscious develop a strong customer base.
Storing food correctly in your home will reduce waste and this waste reduction will ease the burden on farmers and suppliers. As the burden is eased, the impact on the environment is also eased.
Saving the environment does not have to be a radical, life changing experience. It can be done simply and without notice, by changing your purchasing and consumption habits. And in this case, changing your bad eating habit to a good eating habit looks like one of the easiest ways to save the environment.These fresher foods will taste better as well as reduce your impact on the world around you. Creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself as well as a sustainable future is a good step towards saving the environment.