Sunday, August 22, 2010

9th Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) & Renewable Energy Optimisation


1. Better utilization of biomass resources, for example from the palm oil industry.

2. Production of ethanol from palm oil side-production is expected to develop.

3. The Government has set up incentives to encourage the promotion, development and utilization of renewable energy.

4. “The Malaysian Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project” program is implemented to improve energy efficiency by removing barriers to efficient industrial energy use in 11 manufacturing sub sectors; cement, ceramic, food, glass, iron & steel, pulp & paper, rubber, wood, oleo-chemical, plastic and textile.

5. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) will be utilised in supporting the implementation of Small Renewable Energy Programmes (SREP).


  1. What do you feel about this plan? Is it really encouraging the growth of renewable energy?

  2. To be honest, the result would totally depend on the implementation of newly designed regulations that supports this plan. there might be a promising growth of renewable energy but i think the main issue would be on the new plans which support the next steps. Renewable energy is an issue that requires continuous and thorough planning. So, we need more than just the 9th Malaysia Plan to get better insight of renewable energy implementation in our beloved country

  3. I am all for renewable energy, but I think we have mismatched priorities not fully supporting these noble progams. I guess it now depends on each and every one of us, including the government, industries, stakeholders on whether we are prepare to pay a premium for energy from these sources.
