While waiting for the train to reach my destination last morning, i read the Sun news paper. My eyes caught at page 4 of the news paper, which the news title is “ Sort your household waste, or else...” Being the ‘environmentalist wannabe’ (hahaha) i read the whole article, to know what the matter is all about.
Based on the latest news, to achieve the federal’s government’s target to increase recycles waste nationwide from about 5% currently, to 22% by the year 2020, there is some effort from the federal government. There are new regulations related to recycleable waste to be enforced by the federal government in 2012. Those who do not seperate their recyclable waste from organic materials will be fined under the new regulations. The Ministry are working to draft the regulations to be included under the Solid waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007. And under the Act, five milion households in the Peninsula will receive a bin for household waste.
According to the National Solid Waste Management Department Director general, Datuk Nadzri Yahaya, the regulations will comple people to seperate their household waste. Under the new regulation, a fine would be imposed if garbage is not sorted. New rubbish collecting lories equipped to receive the sorted garbage would also be put on the road. People can put the recycleables in plastic bags, and the rubbish collectors will seperate it. The garbage collection also will be increased, from the currents two days a week to thrice, with one day reserved for the collection of recycleables only.However, the details have yet to be finalised.
After finished reading the news, my mind started to think.Will they able to achieve the target? Are Malaysian people ready to follow the regulations? Well,let’s wait and see people!
p/s –I think it is better for us to start seperate our own waste. Which waste that can be recycled, bring it to recycle place itself. Let’s make it as a habit.After all, It’s not difficult, is it?:)

Source: theSun (01/10/2010)
In my opinion, recycling is not something new. I really hope that there is enforcement in the law that to be made. The more important is to change to attitude and the culture of Malaysian to be more alert to the environment and surrounding. As simple as sorting our own waste will give a very big impact to the world. PEACE!!
ReplyDeleteI think it is very hard to achieve this target (enforcing the regulation).This is because solid waste is collected from curbside collection center, not from every household. So how do they detect those who do not separate their recyclable waste?