In recent years, the growth of capacity to generate electricity from wind energy has been rapid, growing from almost none in 1980 to 11,603 megawatts (MW) in 2006 in the
Generation of electricity by wind energy has the potential to reduce environmental impacts caused by use of fossil fuels to generate electricity because, unlike fossil fuels, wind energy does not generate atmospheric contaminants or thermal pollution, thus being attractive to many governments, organizations, and individuals.
Others have focused on adverse environmental impacts of wind-energy facilities, which include aesthetic and other impacts on humans and effects on ecosystems, including the killing of wildlife, especially birds and bats. Some environmental effects of wind-energy facilities, especially those from transportation (roads to and from the plant site) and transmission (roads or clearings for transmission lines), are common to all electricity-generating plants; other effects, such as their aesthetic impacts, are specific to wind-energy facilities.
Though wind power is non-polluting, however the turbines may create a lot of noise, which indirectly contributes to noise pollution. Wind energy is requiring knowledge of the weather and wind conditions on long term basis. Also, the wind energy will have the risk associated with the reliability of the wind power resource available at a particular site and the risk attached to the use of wind power equipment.
Referring to Yap article review, wind energy is a very attractive solutions to replace non-renewable energy. This type of renewable energy has already existed since thousand years where human used winds to carry their ships and travel from one place to another place. Generations of surface winds occurred when the sun falls on the ocean and continents, and resulted in the air to warm and rise. Wind which is generated from different place, rates and also temperature allowed the creation of pressure gradient. However, wind energy can only be produced at regions where it is windy and It is quite hard to have a consistent energy productions. Excessive wind energy produced required massive batteries being developed for energy storage.