The average American wastes more than 1/2 lb. of food each day. Meanwhile, 9.6 millions of United States residents are experience in hunger, saving in food would help them. Let us see the video in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwGHlUAj078
According to the video, households in the United States are waste $54 billion of food each year. Ninety-eight percent of the food that ends up in landfills. Think of what that’s doing to our lovely environment. Think of what that’s doing to our food budget.
There is a study, wasted food adds up to about 2% of annual energy consumption in the U.S. The energy in the perfectly good food we throw away every year adds up to about 2 percent of annual energy consumption in the U.S., according study by the Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy and University of Texas at Austin.
The paper entitled with “Wasted Food, Wasted Energy: The Embedded Energy in Food Waste in the United States”, by Amanda D. Cuellar and Michael E. Webber, stated that uses energy from agriculture, transportation, processing, sales, storage, and preparation of food and the amount of energy used in each step. Wasted food equal to wasted energy! The amount of energy lost in food waste is impressively large!
According to New Straits Times in May, Our urban Malaysians throw away close to one million kilogrammes of food from their kitchen every day which is 40 per cent more than what businesses and industries been discarded. Bread and fruits are among the most common food to end up in garbage bins.
The Malaysian population has been increasing at a rate of 2.4% per annum or about 600,000 per annum since 1994. With this population growth, the municipal solid waste (MSW) generation also increases. By the year 2020, the quantity of MSW generated was estimated to have increased to 31,000 tons.
It is estimated about 45% of the waste is made up of food waste, 24% of plastic, 7% is paper, 6% of iron and glass and others made of the rest . Among them, vegetarians may be shocked to realize that wasted dairy products and produce waste are the biggest sources of energy loss , because a bigger percentage of these products are thrown out uneaten compared to other food type.
The challenge now? Of course, is how to reduce the waste of energy. Obviously, eating the vegetables and dairy products we buy before they go bad would help. I hope we are eating all our food before it goes bad otherwise we could be wasting more energy than we are saving.
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This remind me again about one thing which make me very unhappy and angry, which is the food waste that discard by the customers from the food stalls (e.g. mixed rice) or from the food shops (e.g. nasi kandar). Customers who take or order the foods as they wish without consider whether they can finish the foods or not and finally they throw away the foods when they are feeling full. While those foods cannot be served again to the other customers since those foods are no hygiene in my opinion. So, please take the enough amount of food that you able to finish it and don't try to order the food as u doubt about the taste of the food because this can make somemore food wastes just due to the weird taste of the food. ^-^