Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sick Building Syndrome

????????Are you experiencing this????????

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is also known as tight building syndrome. Over the years buildings have become more airtight or sealed through advances in architecture. Sick Building Syndrome is a medical condition caused by poor indoor air quality, interior, exterior and biological contamination. The condition causes you to feel generally unwell and uncomfortable when indoors with the symptoms getting worse the longer you are in a particular room or building.

?????????Symptoms of SBS????????

♦ Headaches

♦ Mental fatigue, trouble concentrating

♦ Irritability♦ Lethargic

♦ Tiredness, feeling drowsy

♦ Feeling dizzy ♦ Feeling sick

♦ Breathing difficulties, coughing, wheezing

♦ Dry or sore throat

♦ Dry or sore eyes

♦ Blocked sinuses, blocked nose and runny nose, sensitive to smells

♦ Dry or itchy skin, skin rash

♦ Cold or flu like symptoms

♦ Aching muscles, stiff joints

Contributing Factors

♦ Air tight rooms where the windows cannot be opened and doors are sealed for fire safety

♦ Artificial heating, ventilation and cooling systems

♦ Inadequate fresh and constant ventilation

♦ Working in a new building which has been built to be airtight

♦ Poor or defect HVAC systems (combined heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems found in commercial buildings)

♦ Constantly low or high levels of humidity and extremes in room temperature

♦ Humidity and temperature levels which rise and fall quickly

♦ Tobacco smoke

♦ Chemical cleaning agents

♦ Adhesive, solvents

♦ Pesticides

♦ Carbon dioxide that you and everyone around you exhales

♦ Printers, photocopiers, faxes, computers and other electrical equipment

♦ Machinery
♦ Upholstery, furnishings, carpets and rugs

♦ Paint and surface finishes ♦ Synthetic materials


♦ Open filing and shelving

♦ Chemically treated timber

♦ Artificial lighting (causing glare, reflection and flickering

♦ Dust

♦ Lack of cleanliness

♦ Disrepair and maintenance

1 comment:

  1. There is an in-expensive way to reduce this problem in the work place. I have access to an EPA and FDA Approved Medical Device that reduce/eliminate the effects of SBS.
