Thursday, August 26, 2010

7 environmental problems that worsen than we thought …

I found an article accidentally when surfing on internet to look for some interesting topic to share with u all… here is the article… basically, it more like a summary… haha^^ if wanna read in details can just go for this website:

So, we start from the last one in the ranking…

Ranking 7… the extinction of mammals…

Obviously... Over and illegal hunting are the main causes of this problem. Also, rapid development causing the mammals loss of habitat where these factors eventually seriously disturbs the food chain and the whole ecosystem.

Ranking 6… the increasing of ocean dead zone…

Ocean dead zone means the sea areas that are devoid of all life. These sea areas are lack of oxygen and caused by excess nitrogen from farm fertilizers, emission from vehicles and factories, and sewage. Getting bigger area of ocean dead zone mean getting more ocean areas had been polluted and causing more marine species to lose their habitat and food sources.

Ranking 5… the collapsing of fish stock…

Fish is one of the major food sources in our diet. Higher demand means higher supply. Fishermen have been pulling such a huge quantity of fish from the ocean that causing a global collapse of all species currently fished. After large scale of mammal extinction, the collapse of fish species would have a major impact on the world ecosystems.

Ranking 4… destruction of the rain forest…

Development… Deforestation for housing purpose… Building factory… Agriculture… Livestock ranching… Drought...Fire…YES… all these factors bring a serious damage to our rain forest… According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), losing 60% of the rain forest would accelerate global warming…The WWF says that the ‘point of no return’, from which recovery will be impossible, is only 15 to 25 years away… Gosh… is so close to us from now…

Ranking 3… polar sea ice loss…

Polar sea ice is melting at an unprecedented rate, and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down. It’s perhaps the most startling visual evidence of global warming. The collapse of the Larsen B and Wilkins ice shelves in the Antarctic Peninsula shows just how fast the region is warming. Its cause scientists rushing to figure out just how big of an effect the melting is going to have on the rest of the world such as those countries lying just above the sea level…

Ranking 2… carbon dioxide (CO2) level in the atmosphere…

The polar sea ice loss issue that mentioned just now is yet another sinister sign of carbon dioxide levels building up in the atmosphere – the main force behind global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions caused by our modern way of life – vehicles, power plants, factories and giant livestock farms. When end of the century there will be an increasing of 12 oF of average temperature if the emission of greenhouse gases is continue to rise in this rate. For your information, a global temperature rise of just 7.2 oF would cause a catastrophic domino effect, bringing weather extremes that would result in food and water shortages and destructive floods.

Ranking 1… Population explosion… (after reading for some time only notice ourselves is the main problem… sigh)

6.7 billion peoples in this world…. So??? Well… All of those mouths will need to be fed. All of those bodies will need clean water and a place to sleep. We consume resources, pollute the environment, destroy natural habitats and destroy ecosystems to the point of causing millions of species to become endangered and going to extinct.

We are the root of environmental problems… We always are...So sad to admit this… T.T

After looking on those worlds ranking environmental problems… Let make the scope smaller… We should have a look on some local issues… Actually, all the environmental problems are interrelated…In Malaysia.. So far.. the environmental problems stated above not really threatening us… just sometime the weather is a bit too hot… but it still under the acceptable level… However, this dosen’t mean we din contribute to it… So, may I introduce you the ‘Ranking 0’ for this article…

Ranking '0'.... automobile explosion

We are facing ‘automobile explosion’ in some areas such as Kuala Lumpur… this not something that should be proud of it… It also dosen’t means our living standard is getting improved… High way or roads in Kuala Lumpur areas just like a ‘mobile car park’ during peak hours… There are some conclusions of the problem…Poor road and highway design… Public transport planning is not perfect enough… Car pooling is sometime hard to practices… Impossible to walk from Serdang to KL for work and so on and so forth… Because of this ‘mobile car park’, we are creating a line source of greenhouse gases and it becomes a point source when combining all in the areas. Vehicles will emit more exhaust gases when stuck in traffic… So, at first we emit more carbon dioxide and then ‘contribute’ to global warming… Causing the polar sea ice to melt… Then it might cause flood in some places and destroy some species habitat… Damage to environment… Conclusion, human that suffering on this…

I knew automobile is not a kind of ‘environmental problem’ but it is one of the main causes of environmental problems… Forgive me for mixing up these… I just get mad when every morning stuck in traffic jam during the way going to work… I just start my job not long time ago… and still got whole life waiting for me… sigh… @@

Last… guys… you are welcome to drop a comment ya… tell me what is the Ranking 0 in your mind…

P/S: Dr… I guess it no need be too formal for the article format, right?? Promised… Next time will try my best to write a formal article with proper language and grammar… haha ^^


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I vote for automobile explosion as ranking "0" as well. Nowadays, almost everyone got a car compare to last time one family maybe only have one car and now thing change. There are a lot of family who have more then one car in the house with the reasons of car make them easy, save time and more flexible. But people never think that when a lot of cars on road will cause environmental impacts. This problem needed to be solved whereas the public transport planning need to be improved to increase the confidence of public so that they can rely on public transports to reduce the amount of cars used. Maybe people can think about to used hybrid cars in the future as one of the solutions.^-^

  3. I would think population explosion ranks top among the issues facing us and the environment. Humans do contribute to most, if not all of the world's perenial environmental problems. So again, it is us, ourselves where we should have our very own mitigating plan to resolve environmental issue, rather than wait for somebody to tell us. Chrismartenson may be right, consider his concepts, and I would think some of the issues may be resolve.
