Recently, people have been talking a lot about different environmental issues such as the worldwide phenomena of global warming, climate changes, different types of pollutions, flora and fauna conservation, large-scale deforestation activities and sustainable energy. All of these issues, I would personally say that sustainable energy has the largest impact on our daily activities. Since a few years ago, every vehicle owner has been thinking thoroughly about coping with the fuel price hiking in the market. So, I certainly believe that now is the best period for us to look at possible and practical solution. Terms such as hybrid vehicle might pop up in our minds while thinking for the best answer. Oh, even our senior post an article about electric car which is very much related to hybrid technology.
So, what about this hybrid vehicle? Hybrid vehicle refers to vehicle that is powered by more than one power source. Technically, hybrid vehicles can be categorized into two classes; series hybrids and parallel hybrids.
Series hybrids have a gas engine that powers the generator. The generator then charges the batteries and powers the electric motor. The gasoline engine doesn't power the vehicle on its own. The electric motor runs all the time and the gas engine comes on only when needed. This vehicle gets better mileage around town, where the electric motor is doing most of the work.
The parallel kind has a fuel tank for the gas engine and batteries for the electric motor. Both the engine and the electric motor can turn the transmission and power the vehicle. The small gas engine runs the car and the electric motor comes on when needed to boost power. This is typically needed for increasing speed, merging and passing other vehicles.
Lately, various designs of hybrid cars are showing up in the market which indirectly giving a sign of positive commercialization in the future. From small and compact electric cars, evolving to” spacious and sporty sedan car” and then reaching to super sport cars, most of the developed cars are gaining increasing interest from potential buyers worldwide. Furthermore, the main benefits of hybrid vehicles (i.e. able to reduce fuel cost and air pollutant emission) are also strring up the interest.
If you are enthusiastic about cars as well as the future of our environment, or at least you love to look at green engineering, it is worth to look at some of the available design of hybrid concept cars and recently launced hybrid cars in current market.



Looking at the pictures above, the hybrid technology is offering promising alternative for building "a car for tomorrow". Car manufacturers are currently applying different technology adaptation on various category of hybrid cars which seems to be very practical. It is indeed a great effort towards greener world as well as sustainable mobility. Even though the technology offered is not yet perfect, I strongly believe that continuous development of advanced hybrid technology would provide impressive efficiency at affordable price, improved equipments and thus able to significantly reduce the dependence on fossil fuel to power our vehicles. Let's hope that the benefits of hybrid vehicles would really outweigh the cost.
Hybrid technology is useful for environmental because it will thwart air pollution,but it makes some problem.Hybrid technology for achieving energy must use from diferent sources like electricity.This kind of energy produce with many kind of other natural sources as water,wind,tide...etc.So,these materials are volatile and they deminish by using.This problem exhort me to say it doesn't environmental freindly process.It isn't impeccable plan,needs more think.with manipulating,which it doesn't have any wasting energy.if it can acheive this place,it will be economical and plausible.
ReplyDeleteYes, I do agree if there is an opinion saying that the current hybrid powertrain development is not yet perfect. However, development of hybrid technology should be given more time and support to help us minimising the adverse impacts on environments. Developing environmentally-friendly product does need continuous efforts and planning. So, I believe that more advanced and "greener" hybrid technology will be avalaible in the future. The negative aspects of hybrid technology should be minimised as well. For that reason, I will still consider hybrid technology as an environmentally-friendly product because it does contribute to reduction of air pollution. After all, it's better to get the first small step done compared to keep standing at the same place.
ReplyDeleteNice article..
ReplyDeletegood job and well done.....
But one thing for sure that suddenly cross my mind as I read the article is that, how much will it cost to buy the car? Yes, it's true that it do help to reduce those pollution and save fossil fuel. But I believe that for the consumer, beside seeing the benefit of the car, they will also consider the price, which i can say the number 1 priority, in my opinion la...and Well, yes, advance in technologies will also cause advance in money. So,how well can this hybrid car be accepted in the market as not many of us afford to buy the car is one big issue. Just being so curious about that matter......
I love to see the environmental impact if they included the total manufacturing cost the cars with battery included. I still hear so much confusing info on the batteries. how much would the numbers change then? I agree hybrids are environmentally-friendly product and its still a young, give it time.
ReplyDeletebaiti, in my opinion, the price is costly when they need to include numerous mandatory safety technologies as forced features, from crumple zones to airbags to tire pressure monitoring systems. The requirements to have so many safety features on every new car manufactured make them possible to build a traditional, small, cheap car. .
I agree with your idea Fadli. I dont mind buying a green car but green cars are always very very very expensive? Anything that is green is extremely expensive , this will discourage the public to invest for green technology.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with the development of electric hybrid car. However there are some loopholes that need attention of all of us to think of if the hybrid cars (especially electric-based) were to introduce in Malaysia. With the current scenario of energy demand in Malaysia and the source of electricity generation which is still dependent on fossil fuel, i doubt that hybrid cars can be successfully implement in Malaysia. In fact, the introduction will increases the demand and will result in more powerplant to be built. Thus, in this context it is not sustainable. The government policy on source of fuel for power generation should look at more environmental elements and perhaps looks at alternative solutions to produce their electricity.
ReplyDeleteI admit that the price of hybrid cars is quite expensive. So, frankly speaking, special initiatives from the government would be the strongest factor to attract buyers of such cars. It could be in term of tax exemption or maybe through subsidy scheme.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the issue of electricity dependence in powering the hybrid cars, i do hope that the introduction of hybrid cars would push the government to put better planning on renewable sources for electricity generation. In other words, new power plants are not only built based on crude oil or natural gas as the feed stock, but more than that, the implementation of other renewable sources are also included. The question now is that what is the best substitute for crude oil and natural gas? Well, hopefully there will be a concrete answer for this..
From my view, I believe this is just one of the best marketing plans of car manufacturers. I have search a lot about this hybrid car, but unfortunately mostly the information is giving by their own manufacturers and not proper research have been made to this type of car. Lets just say that you wanna buy an apple, I give you two choice, both quality very perfect; one is normal and other one is when you eat it, you get healthy as hell and live ever after…which one you choose?but,the truth is, they both same apple. In this issue,may be they just modified a bit there and there and claim this is green car and as consumer who love green technology, we believe that…may be this just my thought…