Sunday, April 25, 2010
ReCYCLEd paper i made my own!
~~NO plastic BAG day~~~
As from what I know till now, supermarket always gives their plastic bags FREE!. But then I realize.. why not I just carry all the stuff without a plastic.. after all, its not a wet stuff addition, I can save the EARTH too! But customer will need to pay 10 cent for a plastic bag if they insist on having one. Well, I DO support on the “No plastic Bag Days” but it should be made known to consumers. I saw many others caught by surprise at the cashier’s line.
To those who do not know how these plastic bags is harmful to us..let consider the following shocking facts about plastic shopping bags..
- plastic bags are made of polyethylene
- Polyethylene is a petroleum product
- production contributes to air pollution and energy consumption
- Four to Five trillion plastic bags are manufactured each year
- Americans use over 380 billion polyethylene bags per year
- Americans throw away approximately 100 billion polyethylene bags per year
- Of those 100 trillion plastic bags, 1% are recycled
- it takes 1000 years for polyethylene bags to break down
- as polyethylene breaks down, toxic substances leach into the soil and enter the food chain
- approximately 1 billion seabirds and mammals die per year by ingesting plastic bags
- plastic bags are often mistaken as food by marine mammals. 100,000 marine mammals die yearly by eating plastic bags
- these animals suffer a painful death, the plastic wraps around their intestines or they choke to death
- plastic bags choke landfills
this is a good video to watch...5 star one!
Friday, April 23, 2010
RICH people POOR earth??!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Electric Cars: Pros and Cons
The burning of fossil fuels from vehicles will emit a variety of pollutants into the earth's troposphere. Two of the pollutants that are mostly emitted are hydrocarbons and nitric oxide. These pollutants can be harmful to all living life and the environment. Therefore, replacing vehicles having an internal combustion with electric vehicles is seen by some as a solution to this problem.
Comparing both types of vehicle, the electric vehicles is seen to be more environmental friendly and are less polluting compared to the internal combustion engine vehicle. This is because electric vehicles uses whatever electricity is delivered by their electrical grid operator. The source of electricity from the power grid can be drawn from renewable energy such as hydro and wind. Therefore, the electric cars are as clean as the grid. The electric vehicles also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and eliminate petroleum. Thus, it helps to reduce fossil fuel usage despite the fact that electricity is largely generated by fossil fuels. Because even fossil fueled-fired power plants are more efficient than a car's internal combustion engine, the electric car is more energy efficient and produces less overall pollution. Even using electricity from coal, an electric car is 4 percent more efficient than a gasoline burning version of the same car.
Other than that, because all cars required battery replacement eventually, the disposal of lead-acid batteries used in cars with combustion engine is more hazardous to the environment compared to disposing lithium or nickel-based batteries of electric cars. Electric cars also have a lower or no demand for many of the hazardous, polluting fluids used in a conventional car, such as motor oil. Electric vehicles typically have less vibration and noise pollution than a vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine, whether it is at rest or in motion. Therefore, people thought that it is better to replace the internal combustion engine vehicles with the electric vehicles.
I think, with some modification to the electric vehicles, it can help to abate the problems. With the advancement of technology nowadays, other alternatives and method of operating vehicles can be developed in order to protect our environment.
So guys, what is your opinion on this matter? Do you think electric vehicles are better than conventional vehicles?,
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thank you
I have really enjoyed this.
You still have time to add comments until the next few days. Not too late though.
Thanks again, hope our paths cross again in the future.
This refers to all systems and processes that condoms reduce the heat exchange between rooms with different temperature. Insulation in buildings design basis for Ahtwaouahararp inside buildings in cold countries, and prevent the entry of heat to warm the building in the country. This is done by using thermal insulation materials with insulating properties to help reduce leakage and heat transfer from outside to the inside of the building in summer, and inside to outside the Winter Can be divided into heat exchange between the building and outside to
1. Rationalization in the consumption of electric power, as experience has shown that the application of scientific use of thermal insulation in residential buildings, government facilities, commercial and industrial electric power reduces the rates up to 40%.
The properties of thermal insulation materials
Thermal properties
Is the potential for thermal insulation, and this ability is measured usually by a factor of thermal conductivity, the smaller the coefficient of thermal conductivity the greater the resistance to heat transfer material and vice versa, is evident that the thermal resistance is inversely proportional with a coefficient of thermal conductivity. Is the heat transfer through the foam solid wire. It is noted that reflective materials are substances effective in thermal insulation of its high response to radiation and heat waves. And increase the capacity of these materials to increase the brightness of separation and refined, and are often integrated with foam walls and ceilings. To find the total resistance, thermal transmission should be gathered for the various layers of resistance, the wall or ceiling, including the resistance (permeability) aerobics class adjacent to the surfaces of internal and external. And collection of these resistors is just like a collection of electrical resistors, it can either be parallel or, respectively, and this depends on the subject of articles in the wall or ceiling. In addition to the mentioned properties of heat, there are other properties such as heat capacity and specific heat and coefficient of thermal expansion and proliferation, which required knowledge of each insulating material. Selection of appropriate thermal insulation material The most important factors influencing the selection of appropriate thermal insulation material as follows:
Can be divided by thermal insulation material sources into four sections:
Types of insulation materials and their uses Can be no insulation on several images, namely:
Friday, April 16, 2010
HOME: a film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
'We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth’s climate.
The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.'and
"if the permafrost melts, the methane released would cause the greenhouse effect to race out of control with consequences no one can predict.”
PLEASE view the video. It is available on YOUTUBE!
I would love that everyone takes some time and view this documentary. It would change the manner you see the Earth and manner you treat your home, our home and our future generation's home. We have to wake up and realise we do not have another planet that we can just uproot ourselves and plant. This is our only HOME. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Climate Change and Agricultural Development: The Need for a Policy Framework
Taken from the Impak magazine 2008 of Department Of Environmental of Malaysia which written by Prof Dr Mad Nasir Shamsudin, the article closely relate the link of climate change with the agricultural development. Climate change poses challenges for all sectors of the Malaysian economy, but particularly those sectors dependent on natural resources such as agriculture and forestry. Despite technological advances in biotechnology, climate is still a key factor in determining agricultural productivity. Agriculture and climate are mutually dependent. Their interactions involve temperature effects, water supply and demand, and fluxes of carbon through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. Emissions from agricultural sources are believed to account for some 15% of today’s anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Climate also affects the crop pests and predators. Climate is important not only in terms of average conditions, but also in regard to the frequency and intensity of extreme events, such as floods, droughts, and heat spells.
A study by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in Muda Agricultural and Development Authority (MADA) indicated that tropospheric O3 is increasing and above the Ozone Threshold of 40 ppb (AOT40) cases during the growing period of year 2003 and 2004, and this significantly reduced the rice yield to 12%. Despite general uncertainties, studies have consistently shown that overall production in the mid and high latitudes is likely to benefit in the near term (approximately to mid-century), while production systems in the low-latitudes are likely to decline. This finding has implications for world food security, since most developing countries, including Malaysia, are located in lower latitude regions. The vulnerability of developing countries is related to the growth of crops under current climate conditions nearer their optimum temperature limits and the potential for greater increases in water stress under a warming climate.
There is a general agreement that the long-term effects on agriculture are negative. If climate change effects are not abated, agricultural production in the mid and high latitudes is likely to decline in the long term (approximately by the end of 21st century). They are due primarily to detrimental effects of heat and water stress on crop growth as temperatures rise. Malaysia, being a food deficit country with an import bill of RM15.4 billion in 2005, a policy framework that deals with the effect of climate change on her agricultural development is crucial. This framework is needed to provide practical tools to develop effective and efficient policies to deal with climate change challenges. Some possible areas in the framework include adaptation strategies to build resilience into production systems; mitigation strategies to reduce or offset greenhouse gas emissions; research and development strategies to enhance the agricultural sector’s capacity to respond to climate change; and awareness and communication strategies for inform decision making by agricultural producers.
Mitigation strategies – such as carbon sequestration in agricultural soils – are aimed at reducing the atmospheric concentration of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, thereby countering climatic change. Adaptation strategies, such as changes in crop types and management practices, are responses that optimise production under changing climate conditions.Mitigation and adaptation responses are synergistic. Mitigation practices can enhance the adaptation potential of agricultural systems. For example, carbon sequestration in agricultural soils leads to more stable soil-water dynamics, enhancing the ability of crops to withstand drought and floods, both of which may increase under changing climate conditions. In addition, many of the strategies proposed for reduction of GHG emissions from agriculture are ‘best practices’, that is, they increase input efficiency while limiting environmental damage. For instance, use of tree shelterbelts can help to minimise soil erosion and stabilise soil carbon; mulches added between row crops help to conserve soil water, reduce erosion, and sequester carbon. Recent studies have shown that improved agriculture practices can significantly help in reducing the emissions of carbon dioxide by increasing carbon sequestration.
The potential contribution of the agricultural sector in the reduction of GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks in the agriculture soils largely depend on the farmers’ adoption of environmentally friendly land use and management practices. Farmers’ decision on adoption of these practices that result in additional carbon sequestration in particular eco-logical settings, are largely influenced by the net returns from the farm and existing agriculture and environmental policies. Although adoption of these practices by farmers also creates on-farm benefits such as increased crop yields, adoption of these practices in a wider scale largely depends on to what extent farmers are compensated for the additional global benefits and taxed for the negative externalities they generate from their local activities. Farmers may need additional knowledge and resources for investing in such practices. Farmers’ decision on land allocation for different purposes and their shift towards adoption of land management practices, on the other hand, are also largely influenced by the existing economy-wide policies, and strategies such as investment in research on soil fertility management, provision of required infrastructure and market facilities.
Agricultural soils can be both a contributor to and a recipient of the effects of a changing climate. In the past, land management has generally resulted in considerable depletion of soil organic matter and the release of carbon dioxide. Now, there is the potential to restore soil organic carbon through improved management techniques, enhancing soil structure and fertility and helping to counter climate change. An important caveat is that the capacity for agricultural soil carbon sequestration is constrained by the amount of carbon lost during the conversion of natural ecosystems to agriculture, so that its effectiveness as a mitigating activity for climate change is not unlimited.
For detail information you can go to
Moving Towards a Low Carbon Economy through Sustainable Consumption.
This article discuss about the transition of the production way from the cradle to grave approach to the cradle to grave approach. The appropriate way to have a smooth transition approach are by applying the 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) approach of action which is practical for every household. The actions needed may they apply through the continuous consumer education, carrot and stick approaches, industry participation, policy implementation and sustainable development.
Manufacturing Sector Practices in Reducing Carbon Emissions
Reading on the website of Department of Environmental Malaysia, the IMPAK issue no.2, I have came across on the article written by Ris Ramlee on the Manufacturing sector pratises on reducing carbon emissions. The article stated that the CO2 emissions, worldwide have now surpassed 28 billion tonnes per year annually and at the current pace are projected to reach over 40 billion tones per year by 2025. Some greenhouse gases (GHG) like hydrofluorocarbons, methane and nitrous oxide are released as by-products of certain manufacturing industry processes, which adversely affect the ozone layer, leading to global warming.
On record, the manufacturing industry which accounts for an average 80% of industrial energy consumption, also accounts for an average 80% of industrial energy-related carbon emissions agriculture, mining, forestry and fisheries account for the remaining 20%). Three industries namely petroleum, chemicals, and primary metals, emitted almost 60% of the energy-related carbon in manufacturing. The next three largest emitters (paper, food and stone, glass and clay products industry) produced an additional 22% of the energy related manufacturing emissions.
The carbon intensity of energy use is the amount of carbon emitted per unit of energy used. Both the mix of energy sources used and the uses of energy affect carbon intensity. For electricity that manufacturers purchase, the carbon emissions occur where the electricity is generated, rather than at the manufacturing establishment.
Becoming ‘carbon neutral’ means that the manufacturing industry has neutralized the effect of its greenhouse gas emissions so that its industrial activities no longer contribute to global warming. An alternative to carbon neutrality is carbon reduction, which describes the effort of manufacturing industry to reduce its future carbon emissions to an earlier volume – for example, proposing that 2015 emissions equal emission levels of 1995. The most direct way of reducing carbon emissions is by using less carbon-based energy. Any effort to reduce the consumption of carbon-based electricity, natural gas and refined crude oil products (gasoline, heating fuels) contributes directly to carbon reduction. Details of other carbon reduction programmes will be described in the following sections.
The following are some of the programs / actions / solutions that can be used as offset programs to shrink CO2 emissions in manufacturing industries:
o Energy Efficiency
o Fuel Switching
o Management System
o Monitoring and Reporting
o Partnerships
o Process Changes
o Product and Service
o Strategies and Targets
o Supply Chain Management
o Transport and Planning
o Waste Management
o Training and Employees
o Tree Planting
Based on the article, it is the programs constructed are the action needed to improve the manufacturing industry to handle the carbon emissions problem. However the main approach is probably be the integrated manner to cooperation with many parties. All parties such as consumers, industry and government must work hand in hand together to achieve the main objective of low carbon emissions. Through the assessment of the processes and approachs available to improve the environment situation. Plus with the long term planning and the programmers on consumer education and awareness, we will able to change our lifestyle and move towards green environment. Please give your opinion in this matter..
occurs as a result of exposure of the human body to very high temperatures resulting from exposure to direct sun, especially if accompanied by a great physical effort .