As from what I know till now, supermarket always gives their plastic bags FREE!. But then I realize.. why not I just carry all the stuff without a plastic.. after all, its not a wet stuff though..in addition, I can save the EARTH too! But customer will need to pay 10 cent for a plastic bag if they insist on having one. Well, I DO support on the “No plastic Bag Days” but it should be made known to consumers. I saw many others caught by surprise at the cashier’s line.
To those who do not know how these plastic bags is harmful to us..let consider the following shocking facts about plastic shopping bags..
this is a good video to watch...5 star one!
The burning of fossil fuels from vehicles will emit a variety of pollutants into the earth's troposphere. Two of the pollutants that are mostly emitted are hydrocarbons and nitric oxide. These pollutants can be harmful to all living life and the environment. Therefore, replacing vehicles having an internal combustion with electric vehicles is seen by some as a solution to this problem.
Comparing both types of vehicle, the electric vehicles is seen to be more environmental friendly and are less polluting compared to the internal combustion engine vehicle. This is because electric vehicles uses whatever electricity is delivered by their electrical grid operator. The source of electricity from the power grid can be drawn from renewable energy such as hydro and wind. Therefore, the electric cars are as clean as the grid. The electric vehicles also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and eliminate petroleum. Thus, it helps to reduce fossil fuel usage despite the fact that electricity is largely generated by fossil fuels. Because even fossil fueled-fired power plants are more efficient than a car's internal combustion engine, the electric car is more energy efficient and produces less overall pollution. Even using electricity from coal, an electric car is 4 percent more efficient than a gasoline burning version of the same car.
Other than that, because all cars required battery replacement eventually, the disposal of lead-acid batteries used in cars with combustion engine is more hazardous to the environment compared to disposing lithium or nickel-based batteries of electric cars. Electric cars also have a lower or no demand for many of the hazardous, polluting fluids used in a conventional car, such as motor oil. Electric vehicles typically have less vibration and noise pollution than a vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine, whether it is at rest or in motion. Therefore, people thought that it is better to replace the internal combustion engine vehicles with the electric vehicles.
I think, with some modification to the electric vehicles, it can help to abate the problems. With the advancement of technology nowadays, other alternatives and method of operating vehicles can be developed in order to protect our environment.
So guys, what is your opinion on this matter? Do you think electric vehicles are better than conventional vehicles?
'We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth’s climate.
The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.'and
"if the permafrost melts, the methane released would cause the greenhouse effect to race out of control with consequences no one can predict.”
PLEASE view the video. It is available on YOUTUBE!
I would love that everyone takes some time and view this documentary. It would change the manner you see the Earth and manner you treat your home, our home and our future generation's home. We have to wake up and realise we do not have another planet that we can just uproot ourselves and plant. This is our only HOME. Enjoy!