Of the many tales and stories of our childhood, there is one which comes to mind immediately as a morality tale with regards to the environment..perhaps even a cautionary one! the heroic and love story of little boy springs to mind..
though cold and wet, the youngster was steadfast through the night in plugging the leak in the dyke with his mere finger..thus saving a town and a nation from certain disaster..can we all afford not to emulate this kid to stem the tide of environmental disaster that will surely befall our POOR earth if we do not act?i've saw so many rich people here in our country, but do they really really care about the environment??well,we can start by relooking the very fundamental and basic aspect of our economy. And what can be more basic than food?shelter? and clothing?its kind of impossible for everyone of us to implement the "green building" concept for our houses..but how about the rich people?the one who own a megastructure buildings,universities, or mall maybe?there is no one single techniques for designing and building a green building. But building that are "GrEeN" often have common design characteristic. Like, preserving natural vagetation, using non toxic or recycled building materials, being readily accessible to public transportation, use of natural lightings and the flexible use of interiors to name a few characteristic. such efforts strongly indicate that we can indeed seek environmental shelter by going green, but can you name me one?i know we have few..but few only lah~
Now as to food..nowadays agriculture has led to severe harm to both the environment and public health. As a production tool, industrialisations of the farm has been a success..BUT the Questions is..is it sustainable??can industrialisation of the farm ensure that future food needs be met? well, no one is suggesting we go back to our current agriculture practices that are clearly unsustainable. And since food is, like shelter, a vital and basic need, the issue of sustainability is driven.
we started off with the love story of the youngster, the very responsible youngster. we end by taking note of an irresponsible one- "like dog cried mountain" (direct malay translation!). most assuredly we are not the crying dog by raising the environmental concern and issues over these past years. they are for real. what is important now is to realize...that beyond the tipping point, there will be little left to save!
In the past, the major need of people in this world was arable land. Man did not have to think about animate things. However, now the adverse effects on forests through over-population and the development of various chemical elements in the atmosphere have led to irregular rainfall and global warming. This global warming has brought changes in climate, including making perennial snow mountains melt, thereby adversely affecting not only human beings but also other living species.
ReplyDeleteThis dangerous situation is being taken very seriously by the world.Because of the growth in the population, a large number of trees are cut for fuel, and to reclaim land for agricultural cultivation. This is not simply the destruction of trees but it also meansSimilarly, the harmful effect on the atmosphere brought about by chemical emissions in industrialized countries is a very dangerous sign. Although this is a new thing, the world is paying a lot of attention to this problem. It is the responsibility of us, who speak of the welfare of all sentient beings, to contribute towards this.